industrial building

Industrial Land

Wellington North’s Industrial Land Strategy is a framework for programs and policies that are updated to changing requirements and market conditions. The seven elements of the strategy are listed below and for further details on available land please contact Robyn Mulder, our Economic Development Officer.

  1. Ensure that Wellington North’s three industrial areas have an adequate supply of serviced industrial land, based on current trends, through public and private sector land and infrastructure development activities.
  2. Play an active and strategic role as a land developer through strategic land acquisition, planning, land development, development partnerships and land sales, to ensure that land is available for industrial development and that the projections outlined in the Provincial Places To Grow Plan can be achieved both in the short-term and looking forward to 2031.
  3. Participate in strategic partnerships and programs to capitalize on economic development opportunities that involve industrial land development.
  4. Develop and maintain a reliable information base on vacant industrial land.
  5. Undertake and facilitate new planning activities to encourage development and redevelopment of industrial areas in an orderly, cost-effective way, and ensure development opportunities are continually available.
  6. Streamline development approval processes and enhance communication and customer service to facilitate the development of industrial land and buildings. Conduct frequent analysis of Development Charges to ensure the Municipality stays competitive.
  7. Implement active marketing programs to make marketing and real estate information readily available to prospective users of industrial property.

Residential / Commercial Development Opportunity (PDF) Located Close to Hospital and Sports Complex in Mount Forest.  Property located on Queen Street West and Cork Street.

Commercial - Industrial Vacancy Rebate

Where can I find the application for the Commercial - Industrial Vacancy Rebate?The form is located on the Property Taxes -Links & Resources -MPAC page.