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Business Retention & Expansion

The Township of Wellington North has prepared the following report based on the Business Retention and Expansion (BR&E) survey completed by local businesses in the Construction and Manufacturing / Industry sectors of Wellington North. The Business Retention & Expansion Project helps to improve the local economy and encourage growth and stability of local businesses. Approximately 70% of new jobs come from existing businesses; so a healthy business environment is important. 

The BR&E program was developed by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA). Business Retention and Expansion results in job growth and economic prosperity by helping communities identify both the barriers to survival and the expansion opportunities facing local businesses. The BR&E approach combines a confidential survey questionnaire in a one-on-one interview format.

Business Retention + Expansion 2021 (PDF)

Business Retention + Expansion 2016 (PDF)

Business Retention + Expansion 2014 (PDF)Business Retention + Expansion 2011 (PDF)