Community Improvement Plan – Business Curb Appeal

Look at your store through your customers’ eyes. Pretend that you’ve never been to your business and take a tour. Give your store a curb appeal checkup.
- Start With Parking: Is your signage easy to see? Would someone that’s never been to your store be able to find it?
- Take in Your Surroundings: Is the area outside your store clean and inviting?
- Watch the Signs: Do your store name, signage and displays clearly indicate what you sell?
- Make a Display: Do your store’s window displays draw you in? Are your hours of operation easily visible?
- Put Out the Welcome Mat: When people enter your store are they greeted immediately?
- Create an Experience: When someone enters your store does it feel as inviting as it looked from outside? Are there pleasant sounds and smells?
- Sell It: In-store layout and signage are a science unto themselves. Paco Underhill is a retail expert to check out.
- Keep It Clear: Inside can customers easily find what they need; easy to read sections, prices and sale items?
- Check It Out: Is the checkout experience enjoyable? Do clerks acknowledge people waiting in line? Do you place tempting impulse buys near the register?
Go through this checklist at least once a year.
Business Facade Improvement Opportunity

The purpose of this program is to encourage facade improvements for privately owned commercial buildings in the Community Improvement Areas within Wellington North. Grant assistance is provided in a the form of a 50/50 matching interest free loan, which is paid upon completion of the previously approved work(s).
Wellington North Facade Improvement Guidelines (PDF)
Community Improvement Plan (CIP)

Financial Incentive Programs are in place to help beautify the businesses of Wellington North. They include:
Community Improvement Plan Update, 2023 (PDF)
Wellington County Invest Well Program 2023 Update
Financial Incentive Programs Application:
Please reach out to Robyn Mulder, or 519-848-3620 Extension 4234, to receive an application, for further information, or to book an appointment to discuss your renovation plans