Wellington North Growth Management Action Plan
The Growth Management Action Plan is intended to update the Township of Wellington North Growth Plan prepared in 2018.
The 2018 Township of Wellington North Growth Plan was used to inform growth priorities and issues as the County of Wellington conducted its Municipal Comprehensive Review (MCR) and drafted Official Plan Amendments (OPAs) to update its Official Plan. The Township’s 2018 Growth Plan provided guidance as the County reviewed growth allocations by Urban Centre and assessed Employment Area conversion requests.
What is a Growth Management Action Plan?
A Growth Management Action Plan is a strategic plan that helps determine when and where growth will occur by 2051 by assessing both current and anticipated needs. The Final Growth Management Action Plan aims to advance sustainable growth patterns by optimizing how land, resources, and infrastructure are used while managing key priorities such as building complete communities, addressing climate resiliency, preserving the character of communities, and safeguarding natural heritage.
The 2024 Growth Management Action Plan for Wellington North will:
- Build upon the County’s growth management work,
- Develop a local vision for growth,
- Provide direction on local implementation, and
- Engage with the public to identify a series of preferred growth principles and priorities for the Township.
Project Phases
Phase 1 – Background Report
Phase 2 – Developing a Vision for Growth
Phase 3 – Preferred Growth Scenarios
Phase 4 – Service Impact Analysis
Phase 5 – Implementation and Action Plan
Take the Community Poll
We value your input in developing a Growth Management Action Plan that serves the needs of the Township and its communities. To ensure we gather a diverse range of perspectives, we’ve created a 5-minute community poll to gather feedback on the existing issues, opportunities, or concerns that you have as Wellington North grows. Your feedback will be used to refresh the Community Vision and inform the development of priorities for the Growth Plan.
The survey has now closed. Thank you to all who participated.
Get Involved
- Stay Updated: Save this website to your browser favorites and/or subscribe to newsletter updates from your local Councillor to keep informed!
- Provide Written Comments Input provided from members of the public and interested parties can be provided over the course of the project and will inform the final Action Plan.